
Firearm Deer Hunting Season Opens Today In Michigan
Friday, November 15, 2019

The 2019 firearm deer hunting season starts today in Michigan and runs through November 30th.

According to the Michigan Department of Natural Resources, hunters will be heading into the woods today and this weekend around the State. DNR officials wish everyone a successful hunt, and want all hunters to be careful and enjoy their time outdoors.

If you are hunting in a new area this year, it is a good idea to know the boundaries between the land you are hunting on and neighboring properties. Also, check out the boundaries between public and private land as well.

If you are successful in harvesting a deer, the DNR suggests you take it to the
nearest check station to have it tested for Chronic Wasting Disease. To find the nearest check station, and for more information on the hunting season, you can go on-line to michigan.gov/dnr.

Motorists should also be more alert during the firearm deer season, especially during the early morning and late afternoon hours. Deer will be moving more than normal and could jump out in front of your vehicle.