
Tom Selman Retiring As Angola Water Department Superintendent
Friday, March 28, 2025

(ANGOLA) – A 40 year career with the City of Angola is coming to an end for Tom Selman.

In a media release, Angola Mayor Dave Martin says that Selman will retire effective May 2 after 40 years as a team member and the Superintendent of the Angola Water Department.

Selman started his career with the Angola Water Department in 1985 and was promoted to the position of Superintendent in 2013. Always a hardworking and hands on person, Selman was nervous about accepting the responsibilities of Superintendent.

Martin says the City Administration knew that Selman would excel at the job, which is just what he did.

Selman has been an excellent team builder and mentor. He has been an advocate, protecting the water aquifer that is the source of Angola's high quality water. Selman has also worked tirelessly to provide exceptional customer service offered as efficiently as possible. Martin says Selman has exemplified the term “public servant”.

Selman has been instrumental in many expansions and improvements to the Angola water works operations, along with providing invaluable strategic planning to replace aging infrastructure.

Martin says Selman was not only a source of leadership within the Water Department, but he also set a high standard of public service throughout the City of Angola Team.
Martin encourages all Angola citizens to give Selman thanks for a job well done and to wish him the best in his retirement.

The appointment of Angola’s next Water Superintendent will be made at a later date.