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Steuben County SWCD Annual Meeting
Wednesday, March 12, 2025

The Steuben County Soil & Water Conservation District (SWCD) would like to extend an invitation to the public to attend their 2025 Annual Meeting. The meeting will be held on Wednesday evening, March 12, 2025, at the Pleasant Township Trustee Office, located at 2510 N 200 W, Angola, IN 46703.

A free taco bar dinner, prepared by Sutton’s Deli, will be available beginning at 6:00 p.m. Hear about the results from the City of Angola Water Availability Study from their keynote speaker, Dr. Erik Anderson from INTERA. In May of 2022, the Angola City Council approved a water department proposal to investigate water availability in Steuben County and potential limitations on the availability of water for industry, agriculture, and public supply. INTERA, a consulting firm specializing in water resources analysis and aquifer protection, was hired to conduct the study.

The presentation will be followed by a brief report of 2024 SWCD activities and the election of one (1) Board Supervisor position. Brad Hamlin will be running unopposed; however, nominations will also be accepted from the floor on March 12th. To hold the position of elected supervisor an individual; (1) must be an occupier of a tract of land located within the district; (2) must maintain the individual’s permanent residence within the district; and (3) must be qualified by training & experience to perform duties as required by Indiana Code.

The Annual Meeting is a public event. If you would like to join them for dinner, please contact the Steuben County SWCD office at (260) 665-3211 ext. 3 or steubenswcd@gmail.com no later than March 5, 2025. You may also register on the Steuben County SWCD website at www.steubenswcd.org under Upcoming Events. Registration is requested to assist with meal planning.

All land occupiers of Steuben County and anyone interested in natural resources conservation and management, agriculture, or water quality are encouraged to attend. In case of hazardous roads that severely restrict travel, the meeting will be held on March 19, 2025.