
INDOT 2021 Project Development Public Involvement Procedures Manual
Monday, November 30, 2020

UNDATED - Indiana Department of Transportation (INDOT), in coordination with the Federal Highway Administration (FHWA) Indiana Division Office, earlier this month announced the release of (draft) project development public involvement procedures and the initiation of a formal 45-day public review and comment period.

The INDOT Project Development Public Involvement Procedures Manual (PIPM) document is intended to provide guidance to those who are engaged in providing public involvement opportunities related to INDOT actions and decisions to let the public know what can expect in terms of agency public involvement policies and practices. The PIPM details the fundamental requirements for public involvement established by federal law, state law and regulation. Additionally, the INDOT Project Development PIPM exceeds minimum requirements in promoting early and continuous public engagement during the transportation decision-making process including project development and delivery phases.

The previous INDOT PIPM was last updated in 2012, having been made available to assist agency team members, consultant partners and all interested persons who are or would like to become involved in the transportation decision making process.

INDOT Project Development Public Involvement Procedures (PIPM) – 2021 Update
Available now for public review on-line, please visit the public involvement webpage to learn more https://www.in.gov/indot/2366.htm.

Accepting public comments through 12/24/2020.

To submit comments, please send to Ron Bales, Environmental Policy Manager, INDOT Environmental Services Division at rbales@indot.in.gov or mail to INDOT Environmental Services Division, Attn: Ron Bales, 100 North Senate Avenue, Room N758-ES, Indianapolis, Indiana 46204.